2025 Officers
Chancey Zifko
Vice President
Dan Kelly
Jason Talley
Katherine Britt
Members at large:
Raymond Ellsworth
Summer Zifko
Mark Trull
The board
**coordinator needed**
**volunteer needed**
Covenant and Neighborhood By-laws
**volunteer needed**
Summer Zifko
Member Recruitment - *volunteers needed*
Summer Zifko - Contact
Summer Zifko - Contact
Purpose and Objectives:
A. To forge and to foster a sense of community and community pride in the Shadowlake Subdivision;
B. To develop a broad base of community leadership within Shadowlake;
C. To serve as a monitoring and informing instrument for the community on matters affecting the quality of life in the Shadowlake Subdivision and surrounding areas;
D. To promote a compatible blending of structures and land use~ through community involvement in planning, zoning and other issues which may affect Shadcwlake Subdivision;
E. To promote and encourage the involvement of residents of the Shadowlake Subdivision and surrounding areas in the political processes of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County;
F. To provide a communications base for meaningful discussions on issues pertinent to Shadowlake Subdivision;
G. To establish specific goals, backed by planning, legal advice and other professional opinions in order to promote the cause of neighborhood involvement in city and county planning;
H. To provide a formal channel through which the views of Shadowlake Subdivision may be made available to interested parties; .
I. To encourage a closer association of business firms, residents and interested parties for the general welfare and progress of Shadowlake Subdivision and surrounding areas of Charlotte and Mecklenburg county;
J. To promote the development of recreational, cultural and educational programs and facilities in the Shadowlake Subdivision and surrounding areas.